If you succeed in purchasing anything a weapon, character slot, camo, etc., you are stuck with that item.
Customer service cannot assist with any purchases that have not failed. If that happens we suggest you try to contact your leaders outside of the game or to simply make a new league. At times all the outfit leaders may stop playing. Customer service cannot assist in changing the leadership of a outfit. In the off chance we do change your outfit's name, it is final, and you will need to reform your outfit if you dislike the name chosen for you. We may also change the name of the outfit, but that is an unlikely outcome. If your outfit has a name that violates our naming policies we reserve the right to summarily disband the outfit with extreme prejudice. Do not pick an outfit name that violates our naming policies. If you dislike the name you are given you will need to purchase a rename token. Please be aware that if you choose a character name that violates our naming policy it will be changed to a random name. If you wish to change your character's name you will need to purchase a rename token from the Depot. Deleted characters are unrecoverable, if a character is deleted the only option is to start a new character. If you delete the wrong character customer service will not be able to restore it. Please take the utmost care when deleting your character. Depending on which you use, you can get armor and vehicle decals or even weapons. These are the latest working codes for PlanetSide 2. Open up PlanetSide 2, hit escape on your keyboard, then click the shopping cart button at the bottom right, then click Redeem A Code. Head over to the official website of Daybreak games, the company behind PlanetSide. There are two ways you can redeem the codes: No need to risk signing up at some scammy websites with your account to get some cool stuff.
The following official codes unlock items in PlanetSide 2 totally for free. Use them to redeem free items, weapons, and XP! How To Use PlanetSide 2 Codes
These are the latest PlanetSide 2 codes that are currently available. It features huge battles with up to 2000 people per continent, vehicle combat, and distinct character classes. It takes place in an alternate version of Earth, where three factions are fighting for control of the planet’s resources. It is the sequel to PlanetSide, released in 2003, which was one of the first MMOFPS games. PlanetSide 2 is a Massive-Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter(MMOFPS) developed by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE).